Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mmmm Thai food

I haven't been posting on this blog as much as I intended to, but it will happen more often, promise! I've been so busy lately...

Anyways, I made a delicious, and healthy of course, Thai stir fry this weekend! I don't remember the exact recipe, but it's something like this:
2 tsp. Peanut oil
2 tsp. Low sodium Soy Sauce
Sliced Chicken
Red Pepper Flakes
Asparagus Tips
Frozen Snow Peas
Sliced Almonds
-Serve over brown rice

SO DELICIOUS. And I just had some Thai food tonight consisting of rice noodles, steamed chicken, carrots, sprouts, and some delicious Thai sauce. I use the word "delicious" very often...oh well. I just got the new Women's Health Magazine(and I have no clue how I get these every month because I did not pay for a subscription....oh well) and it's a pretty good issue. Tons of tips for healthy eating, cleanses, and good workouts.

As much as I'm against diets, the beach is an entirely different scenario. I might try the first phase of South Beach. Apparently, your stomach fat disappears. I almost did it for one complete day(ILOVECARBS!) and I didn't notice any bloating at all. So we'll see how this week goes.

Make good choices everyone!


P.S. If you're like me and can't handle other people around you eating candy and snacking-snack on JellyBelly Sugar Free jellybeans! They're delicious and full of fiber and low carb! But due to the loads of fiber, your stomach might be uncomfortable after eating the entire bag in one sitting, so a handful or two might be a better option. And they come in a smaller package so you don't over eat( only 160 calories in the entire bag!!!)

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